Using Twilio and PHP, you can create a temporary phone number for your own purposes. You can put this on Craigslist for some ads, and delete the number when you're done.

The less tech-advanced can use Burner Phone, which also has more features than this particular script. I built my script for a most basic forwarding, and it does just that.

[php title="forward.php"]
// Constants
$TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID = ""; // Your Twilio Account SID
$TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN = ""; // Your Twilio Auth Token
$FORWARD_NUMBER = ""; // The number to receive the calls/texts in format +1XXXYYYZZZZ

$to = $_REQUEST['To'];
$from = $_REQUEST['From'];
$body = $_REQUEST['Body'];

if($_REQUEST['CallSid']){ // Phone Call
print <<<END
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Dial callerId='$from'>$FORWARD_NUMBER</Dial>
else if($from == "$FORWARD_NUMBER"){ // SMS Reply
// Send the message to the last person who sent a text
$json_string = file_get_contents("https://$TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID:$$TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID/SMS/Messages.json?To=$to");
$parsed_json = json_decode($json_string, TRUE);
foreach($parsed_json['sms_messages'] as $message){
$recipient = $message['from'];
print <<<END
<Sms to='$recipient'>$body</Sms>
else{ // SMS
print <<<END
<Sms to='$FORWARD_NUMBER'>$from:$body</Sms>


The way this is set up, you don't even need your own database. This just uses the Twilio SMS log. There are a few drawbacks: phone calls are incoming-only; you can only send messages to the most recent person; and long messages may be curtailed. Luckily, it's still useful enough for most purposes.

To use this script:

  1. Save this script to your server (updating the first three lines)
  2. Buy a number from Twilio
  3. Point the SMS and Voice URL to your script
  4. Use the number as your own

Simple as that!